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FDI Circular 2 of 2010
The Government has on September 30, 2010 issued Circular 2 of 2010 (“ Circular 2” ) which shall be effective from October 1, 2010 which...
Core Investment Companies
The current issue of Legal Eye gives an update on the recent material developments in the area of securities laws in India. Three...
Possible reduction in bidding period for QIBs
As per a news article published in the Economic Times dated July 14, 2010, SEBI’ s Primary Market Advisory Committee has recently...
Revisions to Requests for Proposal
Typically, an infrastructure project would run through various phases before the project completion. Each such phase has its own...
Note on Spectrum Management and Licensing Framework
The Department of Telecommunications (“DoT”) has, on November 23, 2011, reverted with its views on the recommendations of the Telecom...
RBI’S Revised Pricing Norms
Indian companies can issue equity shares, fully, compulsorily and mandatorily convertible debentures and fully, compulsorily and...
SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations 2012
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (‘‘SEBI’’) has notified the SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012 (“AIF...
SEBI Board Meeting of August 16, 2012
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”) issued a press release of the decisions taken at the quarterly board meeting held on...
Government Plans to Ease, Scrap FDI Sectoral Limits
The government is likely to either increase or scrap the foreign direct investment (FDI) limit in sectors where it is set at less than...
An overview of the Real Estate [Development & Regulation] Act, 2016
The real estate sector in India has always been looked upon as an unorganized sector governed by diverse state laws and particularly...
M&A: Merger of Defaulting Companies With Their Group Companies
The issue goes back to mid FY 2013, when National Spot Exchange Limited (NSEL), a popular spot exchange for trading in commodities, was...
Tax Relief for Start-Ups
The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (“DIPP”) of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Government of India (“GOI”),...
Tax Relief for Start-Ups
The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (“DIPP”) of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Government of India (“GOI”),...
Further Liberalization of FDI Policy
In furtherance of its objective of attracting more foreign direct investment ("FDI") and providing further impetus to “ease of doing...
Privatisation of Airports – The Global Options & Experience
India needs to fly and not merely trot ahead to achieve the goals which the current political establishment has set for itself. The need...
Insurance Sector in India
After several decades, the insurance sector is in for some competition. The insurance sector has hitherto been monopolised by the State...
Corporate Restructuring: Direct Taxation Implications
In India we have seen a number of cross-border as well as domestic Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) activities over the last several months...
Copyright means the exclusive right to do or authorise others to do certain acts in relation to(1)
Employee Stock Option Plans or ESOPs as they are more commonly known have become a buzzword in the new information technology age for...
Brief overview of the Copyright Act, Industrial Designs Act, & Trade and Merchandise Marks Act.
Copyright means the exclusive right to do or authorise others to do certain acts in relation to (1) literary, dramatic or musical works,...
Arbitration in India - Features and Importance of the new Act of 1996
The subject is arbitration in India. The issue is which key to strike and which note to highlight. Since the subject is so vast, I am...
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